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Rapala Rippin' Rap KO (Jenko Colors)

Rapala Rippin' Rap KO (Jenko Colors)

Regular price $13.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.99 USD
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Length: 3in

Weight: 3/4oz

Depth: Variable

Class: Sinking

Hooks: Vector Tornado Trebles, Size 4

Sound: Rattle/Knocker

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The Jenko Rip Knockers unique body style and sound makes this lipless crank bait special. The sound is generated by a uniquely designed system that both rattles and knocks at the same time. The brilliant finish of this lure will catch your eye and fish.


This is NOT an official Jenko Blank. These crankbaits are made with premium, 1st generation knock offs. Meaning, highest quality and most accurate copy of the original you can get.